To see what you like on Instagram in 2020, you can go to your profile and click on the “Following” tab. From there, you can see a list of all the accounts that you’re following and view their latest posts.
To see what you liked on Instagram in 2021, you can view your account’s activity log. This log contains a list of all the posts and stories you’ve liked on Instagram.
Likes are hidden on Instagram because the app wants you to focus on the photos and videos that your friends post, not how many likes they get.
To view your old activity on Instagram, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three lines in the top left corner, and select “History.” This will show you a list of all the posts and stories you’ve shared on Instagram, as well as when they were posted.
To view how many likes a post on Instagram has, you can either click on the number of likes listed below the post or you can swipe left on the post.
Likes on Instagram are not a public feature. They are only visible to the person who posts the photo and their followers.
There is no sure way to see exactly what pictures your boyfriend likes on Instagram, but you can get a general idea by looking at his profile. If he has liked a lot of photos, it’s safe to say that he enjoys looking at pictures on the app. If you’re really curious, you could also ask him which photos he likes the most.
Yes, likes are hidden on Instagram. However, you can see how many likes a post has received by clicking on the number of likes below the post.
Yes, Instagram removed likes as a way to test how the platform can be less focused on vanity metrics and more on the quality of content.
There isn’t an app specifically for this, but there are a few ways to figure it out. One is to look at their profile and see what kind of photos they’ve liked in the past. Another is to see if they’ve commented on any of your posts and see what kind of things they’ve commented on.