Yes, you can see blocked messages on WhatsApp. If you are blocked, you will see a message that says “This person is not available at the moment.

Yes, you can see if a blocked number has tried to text you. Blocked numbers will not show up in your text history or notifications, and they will not generate an audio notification.

There is no clear answer, as WhatsApp does not have an official way to unblock messages once they have been blocked. However, some users have reported success by deleting the blocked contact and then adding them back.

There are a few ways to read blocked messages. One way is to use a proxy server. Another way is to use a software that can unblock blocked websites.

Yes, after you unblock someone, you will still see their old messages in your chat history. However, you will be able to send them new messages and have a normal conversation with them.

When someone’s number is blocked, they will not be able to see the caller’s number when they receive a call. They will also not be able to answer the call.

Blocked contacts do not know they are blocked.

Yes, blocking someone on WhatsApp will delete the chat history between you and that person.

Yes, you will continue to receive messages after unblocking WhatsApp. However, you will not be able to send messages to the people who you have blocked.

To retrieve blocked messages on WhatsApp iPhone, you will need to access your blocked messages folder. To do this, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Blocked Messages. You will then be able to see all of the messages that have been blocked on your iPhone.

Yes, you can still receive messages from someone you blocked. Blocking someone simply means that you will no longer see their posts in your News Feed and you will no longer receive any notifications from them. However, they can still message you directly if they have your contact info.