To view your liked posts on Instagram in 2021, first, open the app and log into your account. Once you’re logged in, tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen to open the menu. From there, select “Settings” and then “Account.” Under “Liked Posts,” you’ll be able to see all of the posts you’ve liked on Instagram over the years.

I see my liked posts on Instagram as a way to keep track of the things that I have liked. It’s also a way to keep track of the things that other people have liked.

There are a few possible reasons why you might not be able to see liked posts on Instagram. One possibility is that you have your account set to private, and only people you’ve approved can see your posts. Another possibility is that the person who liked the post has set their account to private, so you can only see their posts if they approve of you as a follower.

To find your liked posts on Instagram, first, open the app and log in. Then tap on the profile icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Once you’ve done that, scroll down and tap on “Liked Posts” located at the bottom of your screen.

If you’re looking to see your old activity on Instagram, there isn’t an easy way to do it. The only way to see your old posts is to go through your profile page and click on each individual post.

Yes, as of March 2018, Instagram has removed the ability to see posts you’ve liked. This change was made in order to “improve your experience on Instagram and protect your privacy.

Yes, you can clear posts you’ve liked on Instagram. To do this, open the post and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Remove Post.

Yes, you can unlike everything on Instagram. To unlike something on Instagram, just tap the three dots in the top right corner of the post and select “Unlike.

Based on photos you liked means that the app is using the photos you’ve liked on Instagram as a source of inspiration for finding new people to follow.

Liked by usually means that the person who liked the post or picture is following the person who posted it.