It’s possible that you are not pressing the key hard enough. Try pressing the key with more force.
You can type a greater than symbol on a Lenovo laptop by pressing the “Shift” key and then pressing “>” on the keyboard.
To make symbols on your laptop, you would need to use a keyboard shortcut. For example, to make an asterisk (*), you could press the “Shift” key and then the “8” key.
Lenovo has a keypad on the right side of the laptop. On the keypad, there are numbers 1-0 and symbols for @, ‘, “, &, *, and . Below those keys are symbols for accents.
The at symbol is typically found on a keyboard by pressing the ALT key and typing “0128” on the number pad.
Fn key is a function key. It is not a physical key on the laptop keyboard.
To type the greater than symbol on a laptop, you need to use the shift key.
You can either use a third party keyboard or download a keyboard layout from the Lenovo website.A third-party keyboard is a viable option for typing on a German Lenovo keyboard. There are many keyboards available online, some of which are free and others that cost money. The best way to find one is to search for “German Keyboard” in the app store or on Google Play.One of the most popular keyboards is called SwiftKey, which costs $3.99.
The keyboard on a Lenovo laptop is very easy to use. To start, you should make sure that the Num Lock key is turned on by pressing the “Fn” button on the top left of your keyboard. Once you have done this, simply press any number or letter on your keyboard and it will show up on the screen.