TikTok is an app that allows users to take short videos and upload them to various social networks. The app promotes creativity, spontaneity, and self-expression in it’s users. TikTok can be installed on Apple devices for free. When you go to use the app, you are prompted to sign up; this process is quick and easy.

Download the TikTok app on your device and upload your videos to Snapchat, Instagram, or other social media platforms.

Yes, you can save a TikTok without posting it. The advanced screen allows users to post the video anonymously, set the video for viewing by followers only, or make it their default profile.

No, you cannot save a TikTok video with out posting it. The function of the app is too create and share videos with the world. If you “download” a video from your feed to your phone, you can watch it on your phone, but you’ve also given up the content and made it exclusively for your eyes only. That’s not TikTok’s style.

This question is in regards to saving a TikTok draft to your camera roll without the watermark. The process of doing this can be somewhat tricky, but it can be done through downloading the TikTok app and navigating to the video you would like to save in your camera roll. Open up the app and click “camera.” This will allow you access to your camera roll where you can download the video without the watermark.