The best thing about using Paypal shipping is that all you need to do can be done from the comfort of your home. Sellers on the platform will find it highly beneficial for their businesses. However, any products bought through Paypal are easier to be shipped with the Paypal shipping feature than others that are not.
Paypal is internationally recognized and hence partners with multiple logistics companies such as the United Parcel Service (UPS) and the United States Postal Service (USPS) to create discounted labels from the comfort of your home.
All you need to do to have access to these features is to log in to your Paypal account and follow the instructions to choose the destination and details of your package as well as your preferred shipper company and other additional services. After all necessary details have been filled in, you may now print your shipping label. Users can get as much as a 66% discount on shipment service depending on the shipping service required.
Steps to save money on Paypal
– Register by signing up or sign in to your Paypal account. These services cannot be accessed by you as a Guest on Paypal.
– Click on the PayPal Ship link.
– Go to your transaction activity on your dashboard
– Click on the transaction or purchase that you want to be shipped to the final recipient.
– Fill in the shipping information. It is however most likely that if the purchase was made using Paypal, it would automatically be filled.
– Choose a shipping medium such as the USPS and UPS. You may also have to select a specific shipping method such as First Class Mail, Express, etc., depending on the urgency and need of the package as well as customer preference.
– Enter the necessary details of the package as required by the form provided by Paypal.
– Select the “Calculate Shipping Cost” button which will provide the price for our package shipping.
– Ensure to review the information you have entered to ensure they are accurate.
– Click on the option “Ready to ship”.
– Another option prompt will appear: “Print shipping label”, you may click on that to have physical evidence of the package’s shipping details such as its tracking number and information that you have provided.
– Drop your item at the UPS or USPS office or if you prefer, use the Pickup service.
These procedures will be readily available for those whose purchase transactions had been done on PayPal. Shipping on Paypal provides a discount on its own as opposed to the costs that would be accrued should you choose to go to a logistics company and ship your item.
Users of the Paypal Shipping feature also save money as Paypal requires no monthly subscription or fees.
Why should I use Paypal for discounts?
While you may be able to access some discounts while using other shipping services such as the UPS, here are some reasons why using Paypal proves to be better:
– Registration and sign-in are easy and require no hassle or major technology know-how
– It reduces the need to physically proceed to a shipping company’s location to get your package posted.
– Printing a shipping label from Paypal is easy and affordable.
– Records of transactions are automatically logged for the user and can be very easily referred to in the future.
– Paypal shipping service is relatively more affordable than that of using other shipping services providers such as the UPS and the USPS directly.
– Shipping is faster as all information required and provided about your package can very easily be accessed from the comfort of your home.
– There are no added fees for using Paypal as a medium to access the UPS and USPS.
– Multiple shipping orders can be done at the same time.
– Merchants have the option of using the Pickup feature. This means that if the user prefers, all transactions can be done right from his home.
– Paypal ship allows for stress-free transparency that the User will appreciate especially if he owns a small business.
What these benefits imply is discounts with no added incentive or cost. All transactions are clear and without extra costs to you or your customers.
Paypal has a reliable history of efficiency and effectiveness. Buyers and Sellers alike will find that using Paypal Shipping can prove better for their individual and company needs. Using the Paypal shipping feature will help to reduce errors and time that would have been spent going to the shipping offices.