How To Reply To Sorry?
In this article, we are looking at different ways you can respond to the apology. They are suitable for the various situation where someone has apologized for something said or done or even in situations when the apology is a fake one.
How To Reply To Sorry?:
“Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.”
When you reply with a thank you for the apology the person realizes that you have accepted their apology and you are feeling better now.
“I‘m sorry, too.”
There are situations when both the persons are guilty and both need to apologize to each other to make things normal as before. When there is a heated exchange of information on both sides, the situation can worsen if both parties start using meaner words to each other. In such as case, saying that you too are sorry can escalate the heat and the conversation can get normal again.
“It‘s okay. I forgive you.”
You can say this when the other person keeps on apologizing because they are sorry from the bottom of their heart. It lets them know that you don’t have a problem with them anymore and they can stop worrying about the matter.
“Don‘t mention it.”
If one of your friends has said something that has hurt you but it was of course done unintentionally then this can be a good response since it shows that you have realized that you are okay with it and have moved past it.
“I‘m glad you apologized. It means a lot to me.”
Sometimes you get apologies that were not expected from the other person’s side. But the response can be very meaningful. Such a response can help the other person stop feeling bad about themselves.
“It‘s fine. Happens to the best of us.”
This response means that we humans are prone to making mistakes and we should understand this. As soon you reconsider this fact, you will not be offended about the situation anymore and you will feel much better.
“Thanks, just don‘t let it happen again.”
If you maintain a distance from your classmate or colleague, this can be a perfect response to show that you have accepted their apologies. It also warns them not to repeat the same thing.
“You should be. But I forgive you.”
This response makes the speaker realize his/her guilt as well as emphasizes the fact the speaker has done something wrong. It also shows that you are not upset about their action.
“Too late to cancel the hitman now.”
This is one of the funny ideas of responding to sorry. Normally in a gang or mafia, if someone wrongs another then a hitman is assigned to kill that person. This response specifies that what the person did was wrong but you did not assign a hitman for the person. You are trying to be funny. You need to make sure that the person has a good sense of humor.
“Don‘t be sorry. Be better, and think about what you are doing a bit more.”
Some people tend to do mistakes, again and again, hurt you multiple times and keep you saying sorry. This response can be used for such a person who is a continuous offender. This response shows that you are fed up listening to their repeated sorries and now you are not interested to accept their apologies anymore, but you want the person to realize what they are doing and change their behavior over time.
“I appreciate the apology, but something like that cannot be forgiven so easily.”
Sometimes you are affected by someone’s action and as a result, you are quite upset. In such a case a casual sorry is not enough. You need to teach the person a lesson for their wrongdoing by not accepting their sorry and warning them not to repeat it. This response is just perfect for such a situation.
“I understand completely. No worries.”
This response can be used to show that you realize what has happened and you are not angry about the situation.
“Apology accepted.”
At the time we realize that the apology made by a person is not a genuine one. But it is easier to forget about it and move on than to stretch the argument and aggravate the situation. It will make you feel much more relaxed and comfortable.
This brief response can be perfect for the person who is trying to make a fake apology. This can make the person feel confused and stupid. They will start wondering whether you have caught their lie which will drive them crazier as they think more and more about it.
“For what?”
In case you have no idea if the apology of a person is a genuine one or not then this response can be very much helpful to find out. If the other person has no reply then you will come to know that they are not being sincere about their reply.
“Thanks, but just know that I‘d never do something like that to you.”
Sometimes we accept apologies from people but still want them to feel bad for what they have done. This response can also make you feel like a responsible person.
“It’s not a big deal! Don‘t worry about it.”
This kind of response lets the other person know that you are being bothered by the behavior of the person and you are not losing sleep because of it.
Now we have learnt ‘How To Reply To Sorry?’, Getting hurt is quite normal in relationships and while we expect that the pain caused by the other person minimizes soon, it does happen. But it is critical to respond to the person in these painful moments. Hence, responding to apologies provides us with a great opportunity to be conscious of the situation, escalating the amount of hurt and anger, leading to sound and long-lasting relationships.